Michael 'Danger' Young
Michael Danger Productions
I'm known in L.A. as Mike Danger, the photographer. I first started photography in February 2009, right after i graduated from UCR. The short story behind that is I wanted to model and this agency wanted to sign me, but charge me $800 for a photoshoot. NATURALLY, I didn't have that money, but something clicked and made me want to buy a camera after that. So I did, and taught myself art of photography and photoshop.
I go by 'Danger' because I like pushing the limits of my photo shoots. I try to keep a pretty well balanced portfolio when it comes to Glamour or High Fashion, to Commercial or Headshots. Since I've started photography, I've always been so interested in developing my own 'look' so that people will KNOW that Mike Danger took that picture. I've met and worked with some awesome people along the way, and it seems like I meet more people every day.
Even though I'm relatively new to photography, I feel as though I know what I like in my pictures. My goal is to establish and maintain a name for my production company so I can work with well known and new faces whether it be in the fashion, music, or the entertainment industries. And MAYBE get back into modeling....
::Michael Danger::, Michael Danger Productions
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